Join the Misericórdias Saúde Plan now and benefit from 30 days free of charge! Discover a world of high-quality, comprehensive healthcare without upfront financial worries with this exclusive offer.
Benefit from Exclusive Discounts and Cashback in supermarkets, gas stations, pharmacies, opticians and much more. For each purchase made with Misericórdias Saúde partners, you receive back a portion of the amount spent. This cashback is saved in your Misericórdias Saúde App account and can be used to pay the monthly fee. You can use the remaining balance to purchase products and services on the Misericórdias Saúde Partner Network.
Exclusive discounts of up to 60% of the value of medical procedures at Hospitals das Misericórdias and the AdvanceCare Network (specialty consultations, emergencies, exams, analyses, surgeries and hospitalization).
Discounts on Optics, Acupuncture, Aesthetics, Homeopathy, Parapharmacies, Podiatry, Nutrition, Psychology, Speech Therapy, Thermal Baths, etc.
General and Family Medicine consultations, service available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
General and family medicine consultations at home. Service available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Unlimited online Psychiatry and Psychology consultations, €23 per consultation.
Free video consultations and nutritional monitoring with no limit on use.
Unlimited access to discounts at a Network of Stomatologists and Dentists, up to 60%.
- Discounts of up to 60% on consultations, surgeries, exams, vaccines, medicines, accessories, food, baths, grooming, accommodation and toys
- National coverage, including online stores
- 1 Animal per beneficiary
Pre-diagnosis by telephone. Includes medical support and guidance. Available 24 hours, 7 days a week.
Free shuttle service to the hospital, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Access to a second opinion from internationally renowned specialists.
- Death or Permanent Disability: 30 000€
- Treatment and Repatriation Expenses: 750€
- Funeral Expenses: 1000€
- Bone Fracture: 500€
- Discounts of up to 60% on consultations, surgeries, exams, vaccines, medicines, accessories, food, baths, grooming, accommodation and toys
- National coverage, including online stores
- 1 Animal per beneficiary
- Death or Permanent Disability: 30 000€
- Treatment and Repatriation Expenses: 750€
- Funeral Expenses: 1000€
- Bone Fracture: 500€
Include the 2nd Beneficiary for free
and the following for 10€ each
- Discounts of up to 60% on consultations, surgeries, exams, vaccines, medicines, accessories, food, baths, grooming, accommodation and toys
- National coverage, including online stores
- 1 Animal per beneficiary
- Death or Permanent Disability: 30 000€
- Treatment and Repatriation Expenses: 750€
- Funeral Expenses: 1000€
- Bone Fracture: 500€
- Discounts of up to 60% on consultations, surgeries, exams, vaccines, medicines, accessories, food, baths, grooming, accommodation and toys
- National coverage, including online stores
- 1 Animal per beneficiary
- Death or Permanent Disability: 30 000€
- Treatment and Repatriation Expenses: 750€
- Funeral Expenses: 1000€
- Bone Fracture: 500€
detailed information about Misericórdias Saúde Health Plans.